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Friday, August 29, 2008

It's Almost Baby Time I am 39 weeks pregnant, and I am still not dilated (except maybe 1 cm), and my Dr. does not think that I will go into labor any day soon. So, I was upset when she told me that, however we all know that babies will decide on their own and of course it will happen in God's timing. However, my Dr. will not let me go past 41 weeks....SO I am scheduled to be induced on Thursday, September 4, if the baby does not come on her own before then. We are REALLY excited and can't believe that she will be here in less than a week. I am going to be a MOM!! It is all so exciting and surreal. Anyway, so just keep us in your prayers this week, and if you don't hear from us before, then we will for sure have a baby on Thursday! God bless!


M & M said...

You look so cute! (and all baby!)

Thanks for coming by to visit the other day; I had a wonderful time and hope that we can get together soon again--next time with little Lauralyn. Hope you have a wonderful time with your family!
I will be praying about this next week...

Cristina said...

I can't belive that the day is almost here!!! I know it has gone slow for you, just like it does for every expecting mom. I will be praying for you and Adrian and Lauralyn. Be sure to post pictures as soon as you can... we can't wait to see her beautiful face! Love you guys!

Lindsay said...

How exciting, Stephanie! So glad little Lauralyn is almost here! I'll be praying for you & can't wait to see her!

Jacob & Mary Hroch said...

I'll be thinking about you and praying for you all week...espcially on Thursday!!!!! I can't believe it's finally here...can't wait to meet Lauralyn!

Jacob & Mary Hroch said...

Tomorrow is the big day! I've been praying for y'all constantly! God will be with you!