My baby girl had her 2 month visit to the Dr. on Wednesday (Nov. 5). I was SO proud of her...she did amazing. She usually HATES the Dr. because she has to get undressed, but this time, she will just kicking and looking around while she
layed on the table. Here are her 2 month stats:
Weight: 10 lbs. 11 oz.
Height 22 3/4 in.
The Dr. said she is just perfect and that I am doing well with the nursing. For those of you moms out there who are nursing, you know how good it feels to hear that your child is getting the nourishment that she needs and gaining weight. That is always something that I worry about since I don't know how much she is getting. So it made me very happy to hear.
So then the nurse comes in to give the shots, and I got SO nervous. I wanted to cry, but knew I had to be strong for
Lauralyn. So anyway, I just sat in the chair next to her, and watched her face, rubbed her head and talked to her. I didn't even look at the nurse give her the shots. It was all over in a matter of seconds and the nurse picked her up to console her and then gave her to me. As soon as I held her close and gave her that
paci, she was fine. She stopped crying and was totally fine. So I just put her back in her car seat and we left. I was so proud. Here are a couple pics:

This was while we were waiting to see the Dr. and before her shots.

This was right after her shots when I put her in the car seat (see her purple band-aids)

This was once we got home...happy as can be!